A Man To Be My Husband
Father if you ask –though I know you have already known everything about me, that You have written my life even since I was still in my mother’s womb– but if you do ask, what would I want from a man to be my husband, I couldn’t resist to answer.
I would fall in love with a man, who falls in love with You everyday, and every second of his life. That kind of man would certainly makes me want to know him better, and be close to him, for I know he would lead me back to You. You are his All in all.
I would fall in love with a man who doesn’t want me for my appearance, my body, my brain, or even my needs to be loved. But he wants me because he can see You inside of me. He can see what others don’t. And I am there beside him not because he needs someone to serve him and make foods for him –though I would do it gladly– but because God has taken away his rib for sometime and now he wants it back (LoL), and because he needs a partner, someone to go up and down the rollercoaster together, in a long journey of fulfilling Your plans in our lives.
Making me laugh certainly gets my attention; a good joke is such a great icebreaker. But nothing gets my full attention more than a long and wonderful conversation about You. The thing is, I love talking about You, writing about You, telling people about my feelings and my walks with You. It would be a divine blessing to find someone with the same excitement. I am always passionate when my mentor teaches me the word of God. It boils the spirit within me. Man, I would love to have a husband who would do that to me every morning, teach me the Word, live by the Word, love to ponder on the Word.
I would fall in love with a man who speaks less of himself, and more about others and You. I am not a fan of those guys who love changing their BBM status and telling the whole world what they are doing. I want to feel curious about him, wanting to know more of him and what You have done in his life. He is not always an open book, but not a sealed envelope too. I love when someone leaves me a tiny room to be nosy. I would love the way he leaves a trail of breadcrumbs for me to follow. Of course openness is necessary in a marriage, but before marriage, a bit of mystery would keep the “getting to know each other” interesting.
Being nice, clean, and tidy, are good, wearing a tie and a suit is lovely, but facial-ing, waxing, and hair-coloring thing, let’s leave it to the female species, please. Metrosexual guys frighten me. A zit could easily stop them from going to church.
He has to be a strong man of God. I don’t like whiners. A problem should be a challenge for him, and an opportunity to see Your glory present in our lives, it won’t be something that can hold him down or stop him from walking in Your plans. Doubts might come, adversaries might come, heck, life might be hard sometimes, because we are following the path of Jesus, but nothing can separate us from Your love, and he knows that for sure, perseverance is in his blood, that is why he will keep getting back up after every fall.
He loves Your presence and wants to stay there as long as he can. A true worshiper, a man of prayer, someone who simply can’t start the day without You. He is filled by the Spirit, moved by the Spirit, work with the Spirit. He knows that the Holy Spirit is undoubtedly an important and integral part of His life, His family, and His ministry. Well, I don’t really care if he has a ministry or not, but most important, he is not controlled by his ministry. A lot of men are serving You because of social status, it makes them look good socially, it builds a stage for them to stand on, it is more of a career for them than a Godly mission. I even see a lot of people who is studying the Word to be able to look smart among the holy people. I once met a guy who described his credentials on the first date: his ‘rank’ in the church, and that he is the leader of this and that. It has successfully turned me off the minute he said it. That is such an unnecessary thing to do. I, like my God, am not amazed by achievements; I am only amazed by a God-loving heart. I want a man who does everything out of his love for You. He knows that You don’t need anything from him, he is not paying You back, but he is doing everything as a son that has been saved, and he just loves to see his Father’s smile.
He doesn’t think that man’s acceptance is important, because he already has Your acceptance. He is not afraid to say things he must say; he is a man of his own opinion. And his opinion is inline with the Truth.
I also long for a meek heart, a humble spirit. I would surely fall in love with a man who dares to say sorry whenever he feels that it could lead him to a door of reconciliation, a man who is willing to make peace. He knows that above everything he has to be able to reflect You in everything that he does. He is not yet perfect, but he plans to go there.
More than anything, I know that our love to each other will unite us, but only Your love will sustain our unity. Our relationship with You will be the glue in our marriage. I will never stop asking You to pour out Your love day by day, year after year, for I know that is the key to an everlasting marriage on earth.
So God, I have said it all. I have prayed about it, cried about it, and I am pleading with You for it. It seems I am asking too much though. I am asking you a ‘one in a million’ man. But if indeed there is only one in a million, You are able to make that ‘one’ to be mine. I know You have something even better in store for me. More than what my eyes could see, and more than all the beautiful words I could write. You are always full of surprises, God, and I am trusting my whole life to You, my Creator and my All in all. Amen.