Archive for October 2010

Movies I Love: Step Up 3D

And another inspiring movie this month is Step Up 3D! If you haven't got the chance to watch it, I suggest you make that chance, and make it twice (or more); cause the movie was unbelievably awesome!! I was stunned since the early minutes of the movie. I would say, Step Up 3D is the craziest dance movie ever! My God, I have never seen all those moves before! I was thinking of watching it again while I'm watching it! You got what I mean? I haven't even finished the movie yet, but I was thinking of watching it again! The movie is by far the best dance movie ever and maybe will remain so for many years to come. The casts were lovely; I am officially falling in love with Moose (Adam G. Sevani), he's the best-est dancer I have ever seen, and a very cute human being. Together with Cam (Alyson Stoner), they made an adorable dance couple. In fact, I like them more than the main casts (Rick Malambri and Sharni Vinson). 

And of course, since I really love it, I watched the movie again the next day. And yes, I was still as stunned as the first time, plus, maybe since I had time to pay attention more to the story then the dance itself, I was then touched by the way they live their dream. All my life, I want to chase my dream the way they do it. By keep fighting for what they believe, no matter what, until they get it eventually. Because something is real as long as you believe it. That's what I know. This movie certainly reminds me of my dream and that I still have the chance to actually live it. The movie also reminds us to follow our talents, because the life we've been dreaming of (the life that is destined for us), surely won’t be too far from our talents. Or in other words, your talents are the main tools to bring you to the life of your dream. Use it, improve it, and make it happen!

Movies I Love: Eat, Pray, Love.

I was a bit sad when I heard my brother criticizing the movie Eat, Pray, Love (he hasn't even watched it yet!). I myself found the movie quite nice and inspiring. Moreover, because the movie was set in Indonesia, my home country (that is in fact the main reason I watched it in the first place...^^). I can see how Bali was exposed at its best, and how Indonesian people played a huge role in supporting the movie. The casts were brilliant. And the best part was when I saw Christine Hakiem, playing the role of Wayan. Indonesian actress starring in a Hollywood movie, well, I took that as a wonderful surprise, and a great achievement for Christine Hakiem herself as an actress, but also for Indonesia, because finally, the time has arrived, when Indonesian people are admitted by the world, and invited to join the 'big bowl'. Because, I truly believe, Indonesia is a great nation, with all the great talents and resources inside. The problem is many times; we don't believe that we can do it. We can be great people, we can be a great country, and we can be a great nation, because we have it all here. We just have to believe it, and do everything we can to prove it.

So I admit, maybe, some parts of the movie were a bit indulging, but, there’s a few funny scenes too. Like the scene where Elizabeth captured the Italian ways of 'talking with hands', I think it's hilarious. But most important was the life lessons I got from the movie, like what Ketut said in the end, as a conclusion of Elizabeth's journey of finding balance in life. He said, "Liz, losing balance for love, is part of living a balance life..." Man, that is deep... So what I learned from Eat, Pray, Love, is to enjoy life as much as we can, work our best but don’t forget to take a break once in a while, have fun, and don't afraid to lose your balance for something far more important. And for all of these reasons, I'd say, Eat, Pray, Love is worth to watch.

A Cup Of Tea: Arti Kesabaran

Aku mengartikan kesabaran sebagai kemampuan untuk menghadapi pengulangan, dan melaluinya.

Pengulangan dari hal-hal yang kurang menyenangkan, pengulangan waktu-waktu penantian, pengulangan celaan orang terhadap hasil kerja kerasmu, atau pengulangan ujian demi ujian dalam hidupmu, pengulangan masalah-masalah lama di masa lalu, pengulangan keragu-raguan dari orang-orang yang memandang kamu sebelah mata (mungkin dulu dengan mata kiri, sekarang dengan mata kanan, biar adil...). Pengulangan perlawanan orang-orang yang tak dapat menerima nasihatmu. Pengulangan pengkhianatan dari mereka yang menyayangi kamu. Pengulangan kegagalan yang padahal sudah sedemikian rupa kamu hindari, pengulangan kelalaian orang-orang yang kamu harapkan tidak melakukannya. Pengulangan pilihan-pilihan yang salah yang kamu lakukan. Pengulangan perjumpaan dengan orang-orang yang tidak menyenangkan. Pengulangan rasa lelah yang berkepanjangan. Pengulangan pengajaran Tuhan atas kebebalan kita manusia. Pengulangan, bagaimana pun membosankannya, terbukti meningkatkan kesabaran. Karena itu aku akan mengulangi nasihatku juga dengan berulang (kalau kamu cukup sabar, kamu pasti akan membaca artikel ini sampai selesai...hehehe). Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar... Sabar......... Sabar. Pengulangan meningkatkan kesabaran.

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